We assist you in achieving your collecting goals with confidence. We source the work for you. We perform due diligence on your behalf, ensuring the work you are looking to acquire is as represented by the seller and authentic. We ensure you pay a fair price. We guide you through the purchasing process, from assessing condition reports to negotiating a transaction to transporting the work to your home or office.

Saving you time and money
  • Access to high quality art from leading galleries and auction houses
  • Sourcing contemporary art directly from artists' studios
  • Negotiating private transactions for fine and decorative arts
  • Preferential terms at galleries and artists' studios
  • Providing expert opinions on existing or proposed acquisitions
  • impartial advice based on price research and due diligence
  • Coordinating transport, storage and installation

What our clients say

"Navigating the art market is daunting. It seems so opaque and full of noise that one can easily make the wrong decision in buying art. At least that's how I felt when I first started as a collector. But I am so grateful that I've met Annelien, my trusted advisor. Her professional depth and breath in the art market have made investing in art a very pleasant and exciting journey for me. She helps me decide what to buy, how to buy, how to ask the right questions and research the artists and genre I like. I really appreciate her direct and genuine approach. I couldn't imagine doing it any better way."

Read more testimonials by clicking here.